Our specialties


Jett Medical OPH (JM - OPH)

Dry eye, blepharitis and recurrent chalazions become the first treatment indications for the COMPEX direct current generator, in addition to the common indications still available, ectropion, entropions, trichiasis, distichiasis, conjunctivochalasis, molluscum free edge, xanthelasma, warts inter ciliaries, etc.
Concerned about improving the post-operative results of their refractive, laser or implant surgeries, JPM OPH users optimize their results before their surgeries or after for patients already operated on.
COMPEX is the first manufacturer to have developed patented technology for new applications in ophthalmology.
Generators using the generic term "plasma" are very different, as their effectiveness, their clinical results for common indications are not comparable.
For the treatment of dry eye, blepharitis or recurrent chalazions, the conjunction of 3 effects reveals during application, in most cases visible and immediate effects, the most obvious is the liquefaction of the meibum which occurs. extracted spontaneously during application
More comfortable than mechanical compression of the glands or in the case of chalazion, depending on its evolution allowing a rupture of the wall allowing liquefied fats to exfiltrate by the energy of the device which takes place from the first application, it avoids recurrences.
This combination of effects developed very precisely by COMPEX is unique. It allows you to reactivate tear functions in a lasting manner and to regenerate tissues which become healthier from the first treatment.
The specific characteristics specific to the COMPEX generator are commonly used for more common applications, the unique size of its plasma beam, 0.1 mm allows, among other things, to treat precisely, without recurrence, trichiasis and distichiasis, xanthelasma with an effective simultaneous melting of the fatty mass and regeneration of tissues ensuring filling of the treatment site, ectropions and entropions, spots and warts, angiomas, without surgery, etc.

Characteristics of dry eye treatments:
Safe, comfortable
Topical anesthesia
Dry eye iterative treatments with intervals of 10 to 14 days
No consumables

For more information, consult the following links:
June 2021 Video Presentation by Dr. Carlos Javier Ruiz Lapuente on the subject of dry eye: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQxt5qeEmjs
https://en.jett.eu/products (manufacturer’s website)


ZA du Pin Lot 3
35 impasse du Boudigot
40300 Peyrehorade - FR
Office opening hours
9h - 12h30
14h - 17h30